Sunday, February 13, 2005

IMpossible to keep to plan

i've eaten: pineapple tarts, mandarin oranges, egg rolls, ice cream, cadbury nuts and fruits , cadbury hazelnut bar, Lay's sour cream and onion, Bak Kwa (until my teeth hurt) and drunk Ribena. There is absolutely no way i can ever be thin again, i will be fat forever.

So now my resolution is, just eat what i wanna, and try to exercise it all off, as much as i can.

YESSS i finally got a V day gift!!! mission accomplished! Now i'll just have to stop myself from eating it.mmmmm.

Its almost 7pm, havent got anything done as usual, if i can work an 90 mins before bedtime i'll be happy. (however unrealistic it is, i still continue deluding myself, how sad)

Can do: 1 set of 20 push ups
4 pull ups unassisted (improvement from 1 pull up on 1st PE lesson)
Play An Jing on the piano (not so well, but sounds alrite)
Play abit of 100 years
Eat alot of stuff

Aim to do: 3 sets of 20 push ups
6 pull ups


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