Sunday, January 30, 2005

just realized i love blogging

wow, i just realised i love blogging, 2 posts in 1 day! Its like a whiteboard where i can just pen my thoughts, and it never runs out of space. Blogging is like a confirmation of thought, for like,my thoughts are mostly still in semi translucent state, most of the time they're not very definite. But when i blog, my thoughts become words and it sort of finalises things. Maybe I can start planning my life using my blogs, then I can become more decisive when it comes to real life. About privacy, I dont think anyone reads my blog, and i dont put much personal stuff, it'll be very very boring to read it, so im quite relaxed about my online journal. I lost the battle to do homework, not planning to do any tonight, even though i have physics, maths and gp tutorials tomorrow. WHoosh there goes my homework -outta my head-. forgot about it. I have PE tomorrow, favourite lesson, i mean compared to crappy chem, messy maths, psycho physics, gloppy gp and ewww economics. (ok im being lame) PE is the best of them all, those lousy boring stuff that people learn just to find good jobs and earn big bucks. (blows nose at life). Just to keep in with that new hardworking character of mine that i resoluted in my resolution this year, I'll be adding new chimm words in my blog, slotting them wherever possible, whenever possible. Also, maybe i can read econs during breaks, when im alone or being antisocial or something, then maybe just maybe, i can act like a studious student for once. Ok, now i've written all that (crap) listed above, i feel quite sick of blogging already, so much for my love of blogging huh... its late, shi hou bu zao le, jiu ci ge bi.


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