Thursday, February 03, 2005

I really look like a pig meh?

Came home 6.08 today, pon waterpolo, thats why i was home early. I was kind of torn between going for waterpolo and just going home to sleep. In the end, i chose to go home to sleep. But i regret not going. Im not going to spend the rest of my life wallowing in regrets... so nextime i'll go!

Tomorrow there's econs test, imean, yucks theres studying to be done. Went around fishing for music notes, and got 'my immortal'! Haha, now i have made it my hobby to get songs off the internet and play them! Im can play ballade adeline now, but for jay chous ni ting de dao its like freaking ass-hole difficult to play...

ok i'll die out if i dont go study now, CRAM CRAM CRAM!!


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