Wednesday, February 02, 2005

swimming and homework

I hereby issue a ukase decreeing that all non-slackers and people who have done tutorials ahead of time and on time be beheaded and castrated and dismembered and grotesquely disfigured, and i shall be looking with morbid fascination as i watch them suffer in ultimate agony. ( yes im using my newly-found vocab and combining it with my sickest imagination)

i cant find a place to put my new word: circumambient.. ok here goes. Valentines day is coming, romance and love and kindness and commercialism exploitation is circumambient in the atmosphere as febuary approaches. People start selling roses at 10 bucks apiece, and i wanna be one of those selling them and earning quick bucks!

I shall continue with my perdurable feud with boring lecturers and hard-to-do-ever-so-tough-and-tedious-boring homework. Which reminds me, today Mr David Wong became a laughing stock within the realm of SAJC. He was shamed in the middle of a lecture when he couldnt solve his own question in the paper. Publicly humiliated and looked down on due to his mistakes during the lecture, it was sad, but it was slightly hilarious. My first time i saw a teacher looking so forlorn and helpless over his own question.

"We should extirpate incompetent teachers" (in no relation to the above)

I shall resolve to fight my 'bete noire' which is my inherent slackerism.

I shall play for the rest of the moeity of my first 3 months in SAJC.

I shall not engage in acts of moral turpitude

Milan Baros with his coruscating brilliance in finding the net is a great asset to liverpool.

I wrote one after another zhao ju, seriatim.

And i finally evince my true motive in writing all this crap, all for the sake of english


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