Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Need to swim fast strong and strokey

Just came back from polo. I am tired out but not totally bushwhacked tired, cos i think i didnt give my 100% at the training, just slacked it out. I swear next time im going to train until i pass out from exhaustion, i WILL NOT BE A SLACKER.

its late, still havent touched a single crap of notes/paper/homework. theres a ton of GP to do, but i still feel like slacking it out. how to avoid the embarassing questioning tomorrow? let the tomorrow decide my fate. I think "i fell sick yesteday" is a worthy excuse, or else, it could be " i forgot to bring my homework". The most true and yet damning excuse would be " sorry teach, i just didnt feel like doing my homework, not happy about that?" (and it would sound damn act-cool, which of course, it is.)

I still need to be friendlier towards people, sometimes i feel i relate more to my food than to people around me, just a feeling. For one, I cant maintain a going conversation, so i'd rather keep quiet and ignore people. In the end, i will seem very antisocial and irritable. Maybe its a kind of defensive mechanism-- using antisociality as a way to mask my shyness, or unwillingness to talk.

Back to fitness, I must go running tomorrow, need to shed those kilos! all the weight i lost during polo is definitely regained through the milo dinosaur and BBQ pork rice and 7up ice that i gulped down after training, talk about counter-productivity! Tomorrow i'll go run 12 rounds of the track!

OK i've blogged about 10 mins, and the night is still young, just perfect for me to catch some beauty rest.


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