Sunday, February 13, 2005

Been in this situation countless times in my life

I failed, my plan to do 90 mins of work failed FAILED capital F. I ended up watching Shallow hal and eating those shimano fish, that have lots of roe in them, their bodies stuffed full of eggs save their heads. Shallow hal is such a warm-funny comedy that injects a feel good feeling, so sad it doesnt last when i return to thinking about my homework.

Its sunday nite, 10pm, schools tmr, homework lagging behind for a few weeks. This is a situation repeatedly occuring in my life, just like the numbers 1.54545454545454545454 its never ending. I have to get my life under control, my procastination under wraps. This has been happening since i was a kid, starting from pre-school, kindergarten, pri. sch. every day i dread going to school due to undone homework. My whole life its been like this. I got sent out class more often than i sat in class in primary 4. In pri 5 and pri 6, i was the boy most sent out of class, every other day, i would be training my leg muscles standing for hours. Wonder how i managed to score 263 in PSLE, bet it was luck, will i be so fortunate in the O's? I seriously doubt so, since when was anything second time lucky.

I have the solution, I'll gulp down some nescafe and work till 12. its the only way out... bet i tmr kana niao by the physics teacher... "chinese high sumore, cant even do simple o level questions" go back to school lar!


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