Friday, March 11, 2005


woke up at 7.55am, left and reach school at 9am. walked in, saw a chinese lady sitting beside the gate, she queried me on why i was late. I replied: overslept, proceeded as normal down the slope, here i go again SAJC, i know its not long before i'll see you again, but its one of the last few times.

Feelings for SAJC? almost none, i have no ties to the school, the people? yeah abit, but not enuf for me to stay in SA. I feel the 3 months i've spent in SA were useless in some ways, but an eye-opener in others. Like i havent done homework in the last 3 months, except tutorial 1.1 of chemistry... I know the meaning of slack, and the meaning of total slackness, and SAJC just qualifies as total slackness. i mean, at LEAST i copied homework in primary school, now i dont even bother to copy haha.

i think i'll see SA a few more times and maybe never again? unless i pass by, i feel a sense of gratitude to the school, it's been a nice place to hangout, food's been good, and i've seen more of the world then i'd ever seen back at chinese high. -swaku speaking-

Today was CG outing, or i mean, neoprint taking, we crammed a 16 ppl into a tiny booth, it was stuffy crampy and everyone got cramps. imagine being crushed by a orange t-shirt gorilla called shaun. know what i mean? At least the pics turned out relatively good, haaha, janets wacky ideas are finally fulfilled.

Later the entire CG parted like the great sea, everyone scattered, 3 went pool, some went 'movie' some went home, some went 'appointment'. weird hor, i told the pool-ers that i was watching movie, then told the movie-ers that i was playing pool :P den i hung around PS and saw the jacq elsa gang, they went home.

in the end, i went pool lor, expensive like hell larx 27 bucks for 3 hours! 9 bucks an hour! crazy.. at least at lucky plaza only 4 bucks, this place is double! But at least my pool skills are relatively good, i think i have talent, just play more and sure become pro liao. Charles karan jonathan me, 4 ppl 1 table. so economical, so rip-off, feel like ripping the pool shop owner's throat.. naaaa, cast away those evil thoughts... cleanse my soul!

quite good la, i wanna play pool again, and avoid bowling at all costs. unless i suddenly start having biceps big enuf to lift bowling balls, i'll go pooling!

its kinda late, just blogged for the sake of blogging. lack of something constructive to do, and i feel the achievement of not sleeping early.


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