Tuesday, March 01, 2005

hahaha lala

ok... o's are o-ver hahahhaa. now its time to get into a JC, yuckss. ( i must changeee)

The fight between RJC and HCJC, which should i go to, which can i go to? All the pros and cons


  1. the campus is sooo new and enticing
  2. its relatively near to my house, can walk, run or scooter there, everyday just 5km can reach already :P
  3. the supposedly fun atmosphere, everyday play.

HCJC the old and comfortable

  1. Im so used to huazhong life, theres no need to adjust anything, just walk in and feel at home
  2. friends in hc, see them hear them, feel them, eat them
  3. studious atmosphere, everyday study... must mugg!!

Now weigh the cons, RJ is full of rafflesians, how would i fit in? If i dun fit in, it'll be a very miserable 2 yrs. i've seen some RI ppl from tuition class, mostly they're quite cool, abit poser, i guess thats the image they wanna project. Maybe im too introvert?

Also, in SA i already have some mega problems fitting in, or some mega problems with homework(hopefully its becos of lack of effort, if not diee man), studies and all those things related to books, if i go RJ, i'll confirm DIE if i continue this kinda attitude.

I keep having the idea that HC is just chinese high with girls included :P Also, imagine if i enter a v. studious class, if everyone works works works, it wont be very fun. but then again, JC life ends at 6pm every day... what kinda fun should i expect, nightclubbing meh.

At the end of the day, i know i'll enjoy life in both JCs, cos im determined to do so.


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