Friday, April 15, 2005


my computer is making weird whirring noises, like a car revving up. it was alarmingly loud for the first 3 minutes, like a chopper's blade whirring around. then it quietened down to sound like a mercedes benz in a traffic jam. FInally i realized that if i played music a little louder than usual, i wont hear the sound anymore. :ignoring the symptoms:


Blogger slickdeek said...

either your gfx card's fan is gonna die or it's the cpu coolant fan tt is gonna die. G_G
i think u better fix it b4 smthg bad happens..den your com will melt.
btw, link me and come 2 my blog k?

9:06 AM

Blogger Wei Hong said...

it seems ok now though haha, maybe it has mood swings... or some spider has just made my com its new home

6:42 AM


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