Saturday, April 23, 2005

reading pleasure and nightmare

this week is my reading week. i've gone crazy for books. been reading nonstop everyday for the past 5 days.... i reckon i've read over 30 hours. finished the phillip pullmans' trilogy. Northern lights, subtle knife and the amber spyglass. and half of jeffrey archer's 'to cut a long story short'. oh my gosh? i feel my eyes breaking up. everythings so blurry now. it must be the 9 hrs non stop reading...

Friday, April 15, 2005


my computer is making weird whirring noises, like a car revving up. it was alarmingly loud for the first 3 minutes, like a chopper's blade whirring around. then it quietened down to sound like a mercedes benz in a traffic jam. FInally i realized that if i played music a little louder than usual, i wont hear the sound anymore. :ignoring the symptoms:


class gathering was quite screwed up. first thing was, i came late, (spending time with cousin i havent seen in 8 yrs). then later on the bus, we talked so much we overshot the bus-stop like until we almost reached SAJC. none of us knew how to get to west coast park, and MH talked way too much to notice anyway:P

den we got down and decided what to do? i wanted to take the opposite direction back... but *ahem* certain elements of our group strongly felt that we should'nt go back. i was like huh?? only me and charles wanted to go back... afterall i havent seen them like for HOW LONG?!! den someone suggested lets go pool.... erpzzz. lets go movies... lets go dhoby gaut. den we walked. den we took bus, went harbourfront. sat down and decided, whether to go back. and karan indicated a strong desire to not return to westcoast park, to leave those few ppl there stranded n shaun just didnt wanna go cos it was 'too far from his house'... yucks. i voted to go back, charles too.. but we werent that much persuasive... haiz...
and our fate rested in other's hands... dammit la... it was a class gathering after all.... now i feel quite bitchy already...--> screw you, i know you have your lame reasons, but i let myself get influenced and thats the saddest thing.

Monday, April 04, 2005

9 hrs 0f sleep

im actually looking forward to seeing 05s72 classmates again... haha didnt know it, but i miss that quite abit, especially after meeting strangers all over again.